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Matters - News Summaries

News Summaries

News Summaries

Matters - News Summaries

News Summaries

Daily main news delivered in an organized and curated way, allowing the user to optimize his reading time.

Daily main news delivered in an organized and curated way, allowing the user to optimize his reading time.

Daily main news delivered in an organized and curated way, allowing the user to optimize his reading time.

Daily main news delivered in an organized and curated way, allowing the user to optimize his reading time.

Daily main news delivered in an organized and curated way, allowing the user to optimize his reading time.






In an increasingly fast and instant era where people complained about a lack of time, keep well informed is definitely not an easy task. There are a lot of news apps, aggregators and RSS readers that should fix this problem, but each one has its advantages and disadvantages.

For a team that likes to stay informed and has used several of the existing products, but still feels that important facts are still beyond their reach, it was clear that the current solutions had not yet completely solved the problem.

We realized that almost every product asks users to input their favorite publishers during onboarding, which automatically created the infamous social bubble. That was the starting point to the project.

In an increasingly fast and instant era where people complained about a lack of time, keep well informed is definitely not an easy task. There are a lot of news apps, aggregators and RSS readers that should fix this problem, but each one has its advantages and disadvantages.

For a team that likes to stay informed and has used several of the existing products, but still feels that important facts are still beyond their reach, it was clear that the current solutions had not yet completely solved the problem.

We realized that almost every product asks users to input their favorite publishers during onboarding, which automatically created the infamous social bubble. That was the starting point to the project.

In an increasingly fast and instant era where people complained about a lack of time, keep well informed is definitely not an easy task. There are a lot of news apps, aggregators and RSS readers that should fix this problem, but each one has its advantages and disadvantages.

For a team that likes to stay informed and has used several of the existing products, but still feels that important facts are still beyond their reach, it was clear that the current solutions had not yet completely solved the problem.

We realized that almost every product asks users to input their favorite publishers during onboarding, which automatically created the infamous social bubble. That was the starting point to the project.

In an increasingly fast and instant era where people complained about a lack of time, keep well informed is definitely not an easy task. There are a lot of news apps, aggregators and RSS readers that should fix this problem, but each one has its advantages and disadvantages.

For a team that likes to stay informed and has used several of the existing products, but still feels that important facts are still beyond their reach, it was clear that the current solutions had not yet completely solved the problem.

We realized that almost every product asks users to input their favorite publishers during onboarding, which automatically created the infamous social bubble. That was the starting point to the project.

In an increasingly fast and instant era where people complained about a lack of time, keep well informed is definitely not an easy task. There are a lot of news apps, aggregators and RSS readers that should fix this problem, but each one has its advantages and disadvantages.

For a team that likes to stay informed and has used several of the existing products, but still feels that important facts are still beyond their reach, it was clear that the current solutions had not yet completely solved the problem.

We realized that almost every product asks users to input their favorite publishers during onboarding, which automatically created the infamous social bubble. That was the starting point to the project.






Are we able to stay informed in an agile way? 

Are we able to stay informed in an agile way? 

Are we able to stay informed in an agile way? 

Are we able to stay informed in an agile way? 

How can we deliver relevant, practical yet personalized content in up to 15 minutes a day?

How can we deliver relevant, practical yet personalized content in up to 15 minutes a day?

How can we deliver relevant, practical yet personalized content in up to 15 minutes a day?

How can we deliver relevant, practical yet personalized content in up to 15 minutes a day?

How can we deliver relevant, practical yet personalized content in up to 15 minutes a day?

Goals established:

Goals established:

Goals established:

Goals established:

  • Prevent users from creating a personal bubble of interest.
  • No signup required, keep an agile, barrier-free experience.
  • Find a quick way to deliver the most important news.
  • Send accurate notifications without bothering users throughout the day.
  • Gain relevance among Brazilian news applications.
  • Prevent users from creating a personal bubble of interest.
  • No signup required, keep an agile, barrier-free experience.
  • Find a quick way to deliver the most important news.
  • Send accurate notifications without bothering users throughout the day.
  • Gain relevance among Brazilian news applications.
  • Prevent users from creating a personal bubble of interest.
  • No signup required, keep an agile, barrier-free experience.
  • Find a quick way to deliver the most important news.
  • Send accurate notifications without bothering users throughout the day.
  • Gain relevance among Brazilian news applications.
  • Prevent users from creating a personal bubble of interest.
  • No signup required, keep an agile, barrier-free experience.
  • Find a quick way to deliver the most important news.
  • Send accurate notifications without bothering users throughout the day.
  • Gain relevance among Brazilian news applications.





Practical, agile, no social bubble, with precise notifications and focused on Brazil.

Practical, agile, no social bubble, with precise notifications and focused on Brazil.

Practical, agile, no social bubble, with precise notifications and focused on Brazil.

Practical, agile, no social bubble, with precise notifications and focused on Brazil.

Practical, agile, no social bubble, with precise notifications and focused on Brazil.






We combine news from leading publishers in Brazil into one app, always following the Internet's best practices. We arranged the news in categories so each user could easily find their subjects of interest and used social sharing to find and sort the main news of the day.

We combine news from leading publishers in Brazil into one app, always following the Internet's best practices. We arranged the news in categories so each user could easily find their subjects of interest and used social sharing to find and sort the main news of the day.

We combine news from leading publishers in Brazil into one app, always following the Internet's best practices. We arranged the news in categories so each user could easily find their subjects of interest and used social sharing to find and sort the main news of the day.

We combine news from leading publishers in Brazil into one app, always following the Internet's best practices. We arranged the news in categories so each user could easily find their subjects of interest and used social sharing to find and sort the main news of the day.

We combine news from leading publishers in Brazil into one app, always following the Internet's best practices. We arranged the news in categories so each user could easily find their subjects of interest and used social sharing to find and sort the main news of the day.


Summaries to be agile

Summaries to be agile

Summaries to be agile

Summaries to be agile

After identifying top stories in each category, a small team of journalists created summaries to provide users with the key message, without having to read the full story. Simple and straightforward with everything it takes to stay informed.

After identifying top stories in each category, a small team of journalists created summaries to provide users with the key message, without having to read the full story. Simple and straightforward with everything it takes to stay informed.

After identifying top stories in each category, a small team of journalists created summaries to provide users with the key message, without having to read the full story. Simple and straightforward with everything it takes to stay informed.

After identifying top stories in each category, a small team of journalists created summaries to provide users with the key message, without having to read the full story. Simple and straightforward with everything it takes to stay informed.


No social bubble

No social bubble

No social bubble

No social bubble

No social bubble

Certainly, our biggest challenge was to explain to users that there are different points of view on the same news. How to let them know we're not biased towards this or that publisher?

We've created a system that identifies related news and combined them in a single card to deliver all information on a certain fact at once and prevent the list from being filled with multiple versions of the extremely popular news.

Certainly, our biggest challenge was to explain to users that there are different points of view on the same news. How to let them know we're not biased towards this or that publisher?

We've created a system that identifies related news and combined them in a single card to deliver all information on a certain fact at once and prevent the list from being filled with multiple versions of the extremely popular news.

Certainly, our biggest challenge was to explain to users that there are different points of view on the same news. How to let them know we're not biased towards this or that publisher?

We've created a system that identifies related news and combined them in a single card to deliver all information on a certain fact at once and prevent the list from being filled with multiple versions of the extremely popular news.

Certainly, our biggest challenge was to explain to users that there are different points of view on the same news. How to let them know we're not biased towards this or that publisher?

We've created a system that identifies related news and combined them in a single card to deliver all information on a certain fact at once and prevent the list from being filled with multiple versions of the extremely popular news.


Precise notifications

Precise notifications

Precise notifications

Precise notifications

We had it clear that we could not follow in news apps' footsteps. Our notifications should follow what our name represented. We should give users only news reports that really matter. For a simple reason. It is impossible to make clear what is important when you send too many notifications. We decided that we would send two daily notifications, always with the most important facts of the day. We could occasionally send a third notification in case of major events only.

We had it clear that we could not follow in news apps' footsteps. Our notifications should follow what our name represented. We should give users only news reports that really matter. For a simple reason. It is impossible to make clear what is important when you send too many notifications. We decided that we would send two daily notifications, always with the most important facts of the day. We could occasionally send a third notification in case of major events only.

We had it clear that we could not follow in news apps' footsteps. Our notifications should follow what our name represented. We should give users only news reports that really matter. For a simple reason. It is impossible to make clear what is important when you send too many notifications. We decided that we would send two daily notifications, always with the most important facts of the day. We could occasionally send a third notification in case of major events only.

We had it clear that we could not follow in news apps' footsteps. Our notifications should follow what our name represented. We should give users only news reports that really matter. For a simple reason. It is impossible to make clear what is important when you send too many notifications. We decided that we would send two daily notifications, always with the most important facts of the day. We could occasionally send a third notification in case of major events only.


Focused on Brazil

Focused on Brazil

Focused on Brazil

Focused on Brazil

Android, Android, Android. Google's system and affordable cell phones are very popular in Brazil, as in most South American countries. So we've made it our focus.

Android, Android, Android. Google's system and affordable cell phones are very popular in Brazil, as in most South American countries. So we've made it our focus.

Android, Android, Android. Google's system and affordable cell phones are very popular in Brazil, as in most South American countries. So we've made it our focus.

Android, Android, Android. Google's system and affordable cell phones are very popular in Brazil, as in most South American countries. So we've made it our focus.

features 01
features 02

Matters main features

Matters main features





With no paid campaigns, no big buzz, the app was released for download. We had a smooth release, with active feedback from family, friends, and acquaintances.

Before we finished 15 days of organic launch, we were selected by 2 major technology publishers (TecMundo and AndroidPit) as one of the best apps of the week. We were definitely starting to warm up. Two intense days of downloads, surpassing 1,000 per day. Twice, we were featured on Google Play Brazil, which helped us increase even more the number of downloads.

After that, we kept a constant rate of daily downloads, rarely below 200. Better yet, users not only stuck with the app installed but also returned frequently. Growth and engagement occurred very quickly. Hitting records every week became commonplace.

We reached the peak of more than 2,600 DAU (Daily Active Users), more than 1,200 users using the product between 6 and 7 days a week, which was an impressive habit for a product that had just completed three months of life. We had more than 5,000 WAU (Weekly Active Users) and 10,000 MAU (Monthly Active Users). Great numbers for a product with just over 17,000 downloads.

With no paid campaigns, no big buzz, the app was released for download. We had a smooth release, with active feedback from family, friends, and acquaintances.

Before we finished 15 days of organic launch, we were selected by 2 major technology publishers (TecMundo and AndroidPit) as one of the best apps of the week. We were definitely starting to warm up. Two intense days of downloads, surpassing 1,000 per day. Twice, we were featured on Google Play Brazil, which helped us increase even more the number of downloads.

After that, we kept a constant rate of daily downloads, rarely below 200. Better yet, users not only stuck with the app installed but also returned frequently. Growth and engagement occurred very quickly. Hitting records every week became commonplace.

We reached the peak of more than 2,600 DAU (Daily Active Users), more than 1,200 users using the product between 6 and 7 days a week, which was an impressive habit for a product that had just completed three months of life. We had more than 5,000 WAU (Weekly Active Users) and 10,000 MAU (Monthly Active Users). Great numbers for a product with just over 17,000 downloads.

With no paid campaigns, no big buzz, the app was released for download. We had a smooth release, with active feedback from family, friends, and acquaintances.

Before we finished 15 days of organic launch, we were selected by 2 major technology publishers (TecMundo and AndroidPit) as one of the best apps of the week. We were definitely starting to warm up. Two intense days of downloads, surpassing 1,000 per day. Twice, we were featured on Google Play Brazil, which helped us increase even more the number of downloads.

After that, we kept a constant rate of daily downloads, rarely below 200. Better yet, users not only stuck with the app installed but also returned frequently. Growth and engagement occurred very quickly. Hitting records every week became commonplace.

We reached the peak of more than 2,600 DAU (Daily Active Users), more than 1,200 users using the product between 6 and 7 days a week, which was an impressive habit for a product that had just completed three months of life. We had more than 5,000 WAU (Weekly Active Users) and 10,000 MAU (Monthly Active Users). Great numbers for a product with just over 17,000 downloads.

With no paid campaigns, no big buzz, the app was released for download. We had a smooth release, with active feedback from family, friends, and acquaintances.

Before we finished 15 days of organic launch, we were selected by 2 major technology publishers (TecMundo and AndroidPit) as one of the best apps of the week. We were definitely starting to warm up. Two intense days of downloads, surpassing 1,000 per day. Twice, we were featured on Google Play Brazil, which helped us increase even more the number of downloads.

After that, we kept a constant rate of daily downloads, rarely below 200. Better yet, users not only stuck with the app installed but also returned frequently. Growth and engagement occurred very quickly. Hitting records every week became commonplace.

We reached the peak of more than 2,600 DAU (Daily Active Users), more than 1,200 users using the product between 6 and 7 days a week, which was an impressive habit for a product that had just completed three months of life. We had more than 5,000 WAU (Weekly Active Users) and 10,000 MAU (Monthly Active Users). Great numbers for a product with just over 17,000 downloads.






Early feedback was extremely positive, especially about the summaries. It was clear that people appreciated them. But it was also obvious that this was our least scalable aspect.

The notifications worked perfectly. We received feedback from people who wanted more, but we stuck to the plan.

With regard to avoiding the social bubble, it did not quite work out at first. Many people simply did not understand, so we've successfully addressed the issue by making some changes to the product layout. On the other hand, many people used the product as an aggregator, and they had a hard time finding their interests quickly. With the large amount of feedback we received, we ended up creating the Favorites feature.

We learned that although the product was a success by the feedback they received, the feature that was the main differential was not easily scalable. So we tried to capture users worldwide, as a news aggregator, with no summaries, and now we are capturing the results before the next product decision.

Early feedback was extremely positive, especially about the summaries. It was clear that people appreciated them. But it was also obvious that this was our least scalable aspect.

The notifications worked perfectly. We received feedback from people who wanted more, but we stuck to the plan.

With regard to avoiding the social bubble, it did not quite work out at first. Many people simply did not understand, so we've successfully addressed the issue by making some changes to the product layout. On the other hand, many people used the product as an aggregator, and they had a hard time finding their interests quickly. With the large amount of feedback we received, we ended up creating the Favorites feature.

We learned that although the product was a success by the feedback they received, the feature that was the main differential was not easily scalable. So we tried to capture users worldwide, as a news aggregator, with no summaries, and now we are capturing the results before the next product decision.

Early feedback was extremely positive, especially about the summaries. It was clear that people appreciated them. But it was also obvious that this was our least scalable aspect.

The notifications worked perfectly. We received feedback from people who wanted more, but we stuck to the plan.

With regard to avoiding the social bubble, it did not quite work out at first. Many people simply did not understand, so we've successfully addressed the issue by making some changes to the product layout. On the other hand, many people used the product as an aggregator, and they had a hard time finding their interests quickly. With the large amount of feedback we received, we ended up creating the Favorites feature.

We learned that although the product was a success by the feedback they received, the feature that was the main differential was not easily scalable. So we tried to capture users worldwide, as a news aggregator, with no summaries, and now we are capturing the results before the next product decision.

Early feedback was extremely positive, especially about the summaries. It was clear that people appreciated them. But it was also obvious that this was our least scalable aspect.

The notifications worked perfectly. We received feedback from people who wanted more, but we stuck to the plan.

With regard to avoiding the social bubble, it did not quite work out at first. Many people simply did not understand, so we've successfully addressed the issue by making some changes to the product layout. On the other hand, many people used the product as an aggregator, and they had a hard time finding their interests quickly. With the large amount of feedback we received, we ended up creating the Favorites feature.

We learned that although the product was a success by the feedback they received, the feature that was the main differential was not easily scalable. So we tried to capture users worldwide, as a news aggregator, with no summaries, and now we are capturing the results before the next product decision.

thanks to the team
Alexandre Bini
Andreas Diegues
Denis Nevis Junior
Klaus Kohut
Lucas da Silva
Luiz Gustavo Queiroga

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